When you think about real estate marketing, you instantly think of images of the home along with listing descriptions. But with internet and technological advances, so do the marketing needs, and this is where professional real estate videography steps up the game. While photography provides the basis of showcasing the house, videography allows potential buyers to have a better idea of the house they’re interested in.
There are many reasons to choose VAST Media for all your digital marketing needs; we lead the industry in more places than one. Check out 3 out of the many reasons you should trust VAST with your real estate videography.
1. Our team of professionals are educated in their craft.
Combined with the latest technology and equipment, we’re sure to capture your home and all its unique intricacies. We are committed to quality content, creation, and production that is sure to exceed your expectations. Not only that but our turnaround time gives you the advantage. We understand that “time is money,” so you can count on us to pay you back with your time.
2. Our videos help grow your brand.
It shows your clients you mean business which helps you grow your business. Depending on the package you choose to purchase and the photo licensing agreement we have, these videos can do more than just show a listing. Many clients who use us for various services allow the flexibility to showcase their listings on their social media sites and in this advancing technology age, videos appeal to many audiences.
3. Listing videography sets your listing apart from others– especially those with just listing photography.
Home video tours allow the potential buyer to walk through the house without ever actually stepping foot inside. They can see the flow of the house and multiple angles all in high definition. Viewers get a full immersive experience and encounter some of the unique features of the home.
Videography provides a new way to market what is already being sold. Buyers are already searching through the housing markets, but getting more attraction with videos on your listings and more traffic through social media is sure to bring in countless options when selling.
Two hugely beneficial statistics show that Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined and studies have shown video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic. With such astronomical advantages to receiving more exposure and traffic, adding video to your listings seems like a no-brainer.
VAST Media is not limited to current, standing houses. We are experienced in shooting new construction progressional shots and property/land listings to name a few others. With our aerial drone footage, you will get exterior footage along with interior where it’s applicable. The advantage of being able to advertise properties of any size offers tremendous benefit, especially in wooded areas that may be less accessible.
When you’re ready to experience the best, just head to our book now page and we’ll get back with you as soon as possible.